Rules for the day....
Love yourself. Forgive yourself. Do something nice for yourself. If you find yourself binging, pull up a chair. If you find yourself crying, pull up a box of kleenex. Question one stressful thought today. Buy the book "Loving What is" by Byron Katie. Hug someone and receive the hug while giving it. Smile at someone. Listen to a child. I've spent a lifetime manipulating myself and other people. Trying to get life to look the way I think it should look. Believing I can control outcomes and working my arse off to do so. It's all been a big fat lie. I can't do this trip alone. I need God for one and you for another. I need to see me through you. How else will I ever meet myself if not for you? What do you want out of life? What do you need? Who do you love? Love yourself today. Pull up a chair and meet you. xoxo Steph