
Showing posts from May 18, 2010

Day 8

Tuesday, May 18, 2010 Hello Friends.. Thank you for all of your lovely comments and massive support. I will be taking a break from writing this morning. This process of releasing dependency on food has been wonderfully intense. Bittersweet. Without food to cope with I find myself flooded with some unfinished business with my past that I feel it is time to make peace with. My heart is heavy today and I am evidence that the body can heal all it needs to and if the mind is not attended to then there will be no peace, no freedom. No physical place in the world, be it Hawii, India, Japan or the physical place of health, beauty, money, sex, food, alcohol, drugs... no physical place in this world can bring peace or freedom to my mind. My mind creates this world I see. And without healing of the mind I am bound to suffer. So here I go inside. I look forward to telling you all about it when I come out. A brief update... my body is healing. My blood sugar was 98 last night!!! Holy Crapoli...