
Showing posts from May 17, 2010

Even Though.....

I have a good life. I have an amazing son who is developing and growing more miraculously than I'd ever dreamed he would.  I take little credit.  He is his own grower.  Even though most of the time my mind tells me I am personally responsible for nearly everything that comes out of that beautiful little mouth of his, that I am accountable for all the movements he makes and choices he pursues, even though this mind has staked my life on a one way silent agreement with God that he live a long, healthy and prosperous life... even though... he has his own path, his own way to make, his own thoughts.  He is his own grower. I have a good life. I have a roof over my head, money to pay my bills, a plethora of friends and love and family.  I have a voice that sings, music in my heart, food in my belly...   and my body - albeit very slow - is healing up nicely. I have a good life. I can see and hear and my limbs work fine.  I c...