Day 12 and 13 ... Dead in Bed....
Dead in Bed is the name of a book that my twelve year old son is writing. When he told me yesterday morning that this was the title of his work in progress, I was hoping his answer would be "a comedy" when I asked the question "what kind of book is it?" Much to my dismay yet curiosity, he answered "a murder mystery of sorts." Hmmmmm... okay? It was then I realized my beautiful, innocent, soft and tender baby boy was growing (and at a rapid pace) into a beautiful, not so innocent, soft, sometimes hard, tender, sometimes tough, smart, no holds barred flat out boy. He is a boy, not even a young boy any more, a boy one year away from being a teenager. I cannot protect him like I use to be able to. Sure there are certain ways to hold off some of the harder lessons of life still, but it sure is tricky. What really drew me to this title however was not his quick minded plot about Al-Qaeda (yes, you re...