Days 10 and 11....

Blood sugar - 90 w/out medication.  (Was well over 300 on medication the night I arrived).
Ph balace - 6.6 (Was 5.2 my first day here.  By the way... the lowest number on the kit is 5.5).
Weight loss - 14 1/2 lbs. in 8 days. (I haven't weighed in since Tuesday).
Candida - Still a 6/7. (I was an 8/9 when I arrived.  The scale is 1-10).

Other improvements worth mentioning:  The skin on my legs is soft and supple.  It was dry with little bumps all over it.  Very soft without putting any cream on.  The alligator skin on my upper arms is clearing up.  My teeth are sparkling white.  My rosacea has calmed a bit, still a bit red but very improved.  The aches in my knees have gone.  My lower back pain has completely disappeared.  I have not taken any acid reflux medication in over a week and it has been very minimal.  After I eat I get gassy and my reflux acts up a little bit.  However; it is acting up less and less at every meal.  I should mention that I have been on protonix (a drug for Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disorder) for ten years.  I had very severe GERD.  When I attempted to go off this medication before this program, I would be keeled over with such severe reflux that I could hardly breathe.  Everthing is improving at record speed.

It was very quiet around here today.  I got my period and oh did I get a good one!  In bed exhausted... another detoxification side effect I was told.  It came eleven days late and I had no pre-menstrual syndrome.  I just got really tired and had extreme cramping when it showed up.  Still even in this moment as I write this I can feel myself wanting to sleep.  Tonight I will shower, put on my jammies and watch friends on dvd as I fade into lala land.

I can see the part of me that still wants to be inside and not do life.  This is how I can see that it is the mind that creates our experience.  Here I am healing up like never before.  The track I'm on will put me feeling better than I did in my twenties.  Really, I can see my body being that healed up.  I have more spunk in my step and more energy altogether in my body.  It's amazing.  I'm not free yet though.  And my goal is to be free before I leave here.  I want to feel free.  Don't get me wrong I have alot of moments of freedom.  My life presents opportunities to me all the time where I get to work through crap and get free.  Yet, I can feel this longing in my gut.  This wall of defense that I carry with me still.  I have the sensation of this solid rock in the middle of my gut.  I'm not at peace with myself here.  I'm not at peace with my process and myself YET. 

I don't really have anything too profound to say tonight.  The computers were down yesterday so I couldn't write.  This is a catch up note of sorts.  Keeping connected with you, reaching out, letting you know I am here.  Are you there?  Has this been helpful to read?  What is it like hearing about my process?  I'd love to hear from you... if you're reading.  If not, that's okay too, but if you have something in your heart to say, I'd love to hear it. 

Sending you love.  xoxo  Steph


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