
I should tell myself that I love myself when I find victory.  When I have succeeded and done a good job.  When I am in alignment with life, when I have been kind, honest and loyal, I should tell myelf that I love myself.  And when I have failed... when I have been sloppy, messy, unpredictable and unprepared.  When I have made a mess out of life, my mind and my relationships... I should tell my self I love myself even more.

My food continues to be on track.  I have lost 55 lbs. total.  My blood sugar has been a little up and down, but still I have no diabetes.  Even when it's a little up it is not in diabetic range and I know exactly what to do to correct that.  Candida is almost gone.  PH is still lingering at about 6.5.  My heart rate resting at 76.  I am dancing again!  I move my body often.  I intend to start running again in the not too distant future.  For now I dance, walk and rebound.

My EED (Egoic Eating Disorder)  takes me hostage now and again still, but I am so privvy to it.  I see it crucify me now.  You know when I am with others... either in a group or with another individual, I know my purpose.  I feel the love, the connection.  Then I am home and alone and it's a very very bad neighborhood in this head.  The committee starts in.  I am very confident and find great peace however in the knowing that this is in fact very much here for me.  The whole set up is here for me.  I am alone a good 75 to 80 percent of the time.  This has occurred for awhile now.  Not a coincidence at all.  It is forcing me, helping me, guiding me to sit.  Sit in the dark, the quiet as I get to know this mind.  It has been treacherous.  It has been unbearable at times... and it's working.

My "EED" bashes me contantly.  I see now this may be with me on this trip until the end.  As Byron Katie says "When I believe my thoughts I suffer, when I don't believe my thoughts, I don't suffer" ... So I do the work so the thoughts can move on.  I see them in my mind, hear them in the wind, feel them on my skin and when I don't inquire I suffer and badly.  I can't move in those moments.  I want to crawl into bed, pull the covers over my head.  I can't move.  Then I sit.  I sit and listen.  I sit and listen and watch.  And it happens.  They let me go. 

I reject form.  I am starting to see this about myself.  It's a little confusing for me because I really do with all of my heart and every part of my being believe that this body and all form is illusion.  I get this so deeply.  It's illusion, not who I am.  AND here I am on this trip.  With a body.  With furniture, with friends who have bodies, with a car and a son who has a body.  And I reject it.  I am not at peace.  I cannot find the beauty in it all yet.  And this is the flip side of the coin you know.  I get angry with those who idolize the body and form and in my own peculiar way, I do the same exact thing by rejecting that it is part of me on this trip.  So I ache today.

I ache because I am no longer using food to avoid this conflict in my life.  I sit right now and my body is healing.  I eat nothing but nutrient dense living raw food.  So I am feeding and caring for (in a very deep way) this form that I reject.  I feel attracted to other forms, I am not eating that away anymore either.  I want love in my life.  I want relationship and I know this has to include form on this trip.  It just does.  I know this is in fact my deepest lesson... how do I accept and participate in this "form game" while knowing in my deepest place that it is not who I am?  How do I do this?  I see myself shut down, shut off, I see my "EED" beat the living shit out of me.  I see it character bash every inch of me.  And still I sit.  I sit and ache and smile and ache and feel joy and love and hate and attempt to embrace it all.  I am not always so graceful. 

I notice lately that I want someone to love me for exactly who I am.  I want to you to walk toward me even when I push away.  I know in my mind this is my job.  However; my mind is split right now.  How do I LOVE ME no matter what? 

Today I sit.  Today I nourish myself with time.  How long can I stand to sit with myself??  How long will I tolerate this ache?  How much time will I give myself?  I would give you forever.  Can I do the same for myself?


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