You Move Me..
I eat and eat and addiction kicks in until I allow something or someone in life to move me. I stifle these feelings and harbor resentment and ponder the "what if's" of my youth until I surrender to being moved to tears. I got back on track finally. I told you I was done and I meant it. I followed my heart and the cues of this body and took stellar care of myself today in the food department. I drank my green smoothies, ate my veggies and protein and had my shakes with blueberries. I took my vitamins, moved my body and gave and received love. I spoke with my son and most importantly gave myself a day of rest and relaxation. And then I decided to watch television. What did Yours Truly land on? "Man vs. Food".. hello? And I stayed and I watched Adam embark on a HUMUNGOUS Sunday. For anyone who has never watched this gluttonous T.V. show (which I happen to LOVE), it is about a man, I would say in his late twen...