
Stuffing Myself Silly - The Story of a Food Junkie: "These Kinds Of Days"

Stuffing Myself Silly - The Story of a Food Junkie: "These Kinds Of Days" : I've been stuffing myself silly again.  Yes, it it true. Food is a way of both punishment AND pleasure for me. I have watched and lear...

"These Kinds Of Days"

I've been stuffing myself silly again.  Yes, it it true. Food is a way of both punishment AND pleasure for me. I have watched and learned of all the ways it is punishment and pain. I am currently living these results. I was not so aware of the immense pleasure that I use it for as a substitute for life, beauty and joy. And is seems to have certainly gone awry. Love and joy gone awry. I haven’t stopped eating badly. But I have added some raw foods again. I don’t want to sugarcoat (pardon the pun) my current process however; so I would like to just say a bit about how I have seen me use it as pleasure. I am bored off my fucking rocker here! I hate it here! I have been people pleasing and adjusting and complying with and for other people my entire life. Most recently - and I mean recent like the last fifteen fucking years – has been my ex.   He has just pulled another massive, violating act of control and smug arrogance on me.  I will spa...

Raw Living Foods and the Work of Byron Katie Workshop

Haven Café and Bakery Presents a Workshop:              Living Raw Foods and “The Work of Byron Katie” with Steph Campbel Thursday Evening March 31 st , 2011 6:30pm – 9:30 pm   $25 HavenCafé and Bakery 8 Franklin Street Lenox, MA 01240 We will cover: Green Smoothie recipe and      demonstration. A delicious living raw food      treat and demonstration so you can see how simple it really is. How living raw foods can      support you in your health and enhance your quality of life. Emotional eating and food      addiction. An introduction to The Work of      Byron Katie.   This class is for YOU if:   You are looking to go completely raw or simply want to add more fruits, vegetables and healthy foods to your diet.  It will be fun, easy and informative. Please R.S.V.P. if you would like t...


I should tell myself that I love myself when I find victory.  When I have succeeded and done a good job.  When I am in alignment with life, when I have been kind, honest and loyal, I should tell myelf that I love myself.  And when I have failed... when I have been sloppy, messy, unpredictable and unprepared.  When I have made a mess out of life, my mind and my relationships... I should tell my self I love myself even more. My food continues to be on track.  I have lost 55 lbs. total.  My blood sugar has been a little up and down, but still I have no diabetes.  Even when it's a little up it is not in diabetic range and I know exactly what to do to correct that.  Candida is almost gone.  PH is still lingering at about 6.5.  My heart rate resting at 76.  I am dancing again!  I move my body often.  I intend to start running again in the not too distant future.  For now I dance, walk and rebound. My EED (Egoi...


hu·man   /ˈhyumən or, often, ˈyu‐/ Show Spelled[hyoo-muhn or, often, yoo‐] Show IPA –adjective 1. of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or having the nature of people: human frailty. 2. consisting of people: the human race. 3. of or pertaining to the social aspect of people: human affairs. 4. sympathetic; humane: a warmly human understanding. –noun 5. a human being. Origin: 1350–1400; earlier humain(e) , humayn(e), ME < MF humain < L hūmānus, akin to homō human being ( cf. Homo); sp. human predominant from early 18th cent. This is it.  This is all says about the definintion of "human".  My Webster's II pocket dictionary says the same thing.  Hold on, I'm going to go check the Merriam-Webster Collegiate dictionary, certainly they must have a deeper meaning to this vague word... A little better... they have all the same definitions of the previous two I've listed and then this one: human: b: susceptible to or representative of the...

Why oh Why?

ob·sess/əbˈsɛs/ Show Spelled[uhb-ses] Show IPA –verb (used with object) 1. to dominate or preoccupy the thoughts, feelings, or desires of (a person); beset, trouble, or haunt persistently or abnormally: Suspicion obsessed him. What is up with the ego?  What is so difficult about being in the present moment?  Commitment to separation. 

I am loved because of what this body looks like.

How's that for a concept? "I am loved because of what this body looks like." "I deserve love and relationship only when this body looks thin and lean." "My complete and utter worth is based on the condition of this body." Wow. I'll say it backwards... wow. I have now been living my new lifestyle for 35 days. But whose freakin' counting? I love my new life. Even the glitches, the karma that is catching up with me. The residue of the old way of living. I even love that. It is challenging me to see things differently. I screwed up my fastlane account with all the travelling I did. I gave them the wrong credit card number and I got a notice in the mail charging me $150 to correct this. I didn't care. I smiled and thought "oh well." A couple other things have happened like this .. you know a month away, travel, things don't go so smooth when you have given up the role of making everything perfect. And I smile and think "oh...