
Day 8

Tuesday, May 18, 2010 Hello Friends.. Thank you for all of your lovely comments and massive support. I will be taking a break from writing this morning. This process of releasing dependency on food has been wonderfully intense. Bittersweet. Without food to cope with I find myself flooded with some unfinished business with my past that I feel it is time to make peace with. My heart is heavy today and I am evidence that the body can heal all it needs to and if the mind is not attended to then there will be no peace, no freedom. No physical place in the world, be it Hawii, India, Japan or the physical place of health, beauty, money, sex, food, alcohol, drugs... no physical place in this world can bring peace or freedom to my mind. My mind creates this world I see. And without healing of the mind I am bound to suffer. So here I go inside. I look forward to telling you all about it when I come out. A brief update... my body is healing. My blood sugar was 98 last night!!! Holy Crapoli...

Even Though.....

I have a good life. I have an amazing son who is developing and growing more miraculously than I'd ever dreamed he would.  I take little credit.  He is his own grower.  Even though most of the time my mind tells me I am personally responsible for nearly everything that comes out of that beautiful little mouth of his, that I am accountable for all the movements he makes and choices he pursues, even though this mind has staked my life on a one way silent agreement with God that he live a long, healthy and prosperous life... even though... he has his own path, his own way to make, his own thoughts.  He is his own grower. I have a good life. I have a roof over my head, money to pay my bills, a plethora of friends and love and family.  I have a voice that sings, music in my heart, food in my belly...   and my body - albeit very slow - is healing up nicely. I have a good life. I can see and hear and my limbs work fine.  I c...
"As children bring their toys to us with tears for us to mend. I brought my broken dreams to God because He was my friend. And then instead of leaving Him in peace to work alone. I hung around and tried to help with ways that were my own. At last I snatched them back and said "how could you be so slow!?" "My child" He said "what could i do?  You never did let go." - Anonymous Boy that dude "Anonymous" wrote alot of things!!  I see his/her name everywhere.  Has anyone ever met anonymous?  If you do run into him/her tell whoever it is I said good job!!  Man do they come up with the greatest stuff.  A little egocentric going by only one name and all, but egocentric with good reason.. he/she is so dam creative, really, what a writer! This poem by "Anonymous" is me in a nutshell.  Anonymous must know me because this poem was written for me.  I really cannot take my hands off things.  I'm so arrogant that way.  I think my pa...

Day 5... Holy Crapoli....

Too tired to write too much tonight so I'll just briefly update you.  My ph balance has gone from 5.2 to 6.2 in 5 days.  Holy crapoli.  Tonight .. 2 hours after eating "dessert"... a sweet lemon bar ... all raw made of almonds and soaked oatmeal and majool dates and lemon topped with banana slices, my blood sugar was 146 still no medication!!!  Holy Crapoli.  We had pasta with pesto and salad with that curry dressing for lunch... Holy crapoli.  We learned how to cut and juice wheatgrass and I sucked at it... Holy crapoli.  I came here because I sometimes believe that life is all about the body.  That as soon as I get healthy and thin and beautiful again, life will be smooth and good because as I said... it's all about the body and yet... even though this body knows what it's doing... even though it is healing as I give it major support.. I still suffer.... Holy crapoli.  It's about this mind afterall.  No wheat grass drink or energy soup...

Day 4.... The pipes are better than ever...

So I'm through another day.  I must say, I feel really good.  Still some cleansing going on, but mostly just emotional stuff here and there.  The energy blended soup and the wheat grass are getting easier, still tough to get down though, although I don't feel the urge to barf it up anymore.  I am not sure why living raw foods is not our worlds way of eating.  The meals I am eating are way better than any cooked foods I have ever eaten in my life (Well, with the exception of one of my very best friends in the world who happens to own a remarkable little place called Haven Cafe and Bakery in Lenox, MA if you're ever in town!)  Besides her brilliant cooking and I do mean brilliant, this is the BEST food I have ever tasted.  It's amazing.  And easy.  I mean, blending, dehydrating, food processor, I have all of these at home.  It's remarkable.  And on top of it all, I ate a HUGE dinner.  I had a humungous salas with tomatoes, s...

Day 3 Mission accomplished....

Went off all meds today.  My blood sugar has dropped considerably and I've lost 7 pounds since Tuesday.  This progam is very intense and worth every minute.  It's teaching me more than nutrition, it's teaching me self love, self discipline (from a tough and loving place) and it's teaching me self acceptance.  I have a long way to go with all of these lessons, but I have left the start line.  Houston.. there's not more problem. I am still detoxing in a very intense way.  My rosacea is still very much here.. although my face has calmed down quite a bit tonight.  The enemas are much easier and today I had a colonic.  My brain feels foggy.  My lungs hurt when I breathe and I have many aches and pains.  My feet hurt sometimes too right now. I don't miss my drug of choice at all.  I don't miss the heavy crap that I was infesting myself with.  I haven't been hungry once since I've gotten here... well that's not true actuall, I was...


Too tired to write tonight.  What a day.  Rosacea from a taxed and now cleansing liver.  I did the Work of Byron Katie ALOT today.  Noticing all my thoughts and stories that keep me in my addiction.  This body knows how to heal.  It's on it's way.  It's my mind I continue to question. I got through all of my enemas and cleansing today. Dinner was much easier to get down.  My face is burning up red as I write this so I am going to listen to this body.  I will stop trying to connect with you my phanton friends.  I will trust our connection, I will know it's there even when I'm not writing to you.  I will listen to this body now.  I am going to put a cold cloth on this face and watch a movie in bed while sipping warm water. Until tomorrow.. much love xoxoxo  Steph