Hello imaginary friends.. I'm back! I ran into some glitches with my blog page, sorry I was gone for so long. It seems to be working again. Left to my own devices I will take myself down. If this ego of mine is left unattended without my higher source - who I call God - look out world, and when I go down, guess who I love to take with me? That's right.. whoever's in front of me. I must be diligent. I have come to realize I do not have much control over my thoughts.. thoughts happen to me on this trip. I do have control over questioning the thoughts that happen to me. I have control over asking my SELF on a daily basis "Is it true?". When I am visiting with an enemy in my mind that I have holed up in a ditch with an oozie pointed at them because they have offended me, I can say "Steph, is it true that they think your ugly?" "Steph, is it true that you will never amount to anything?" "Steph, is it true that...